We have titles!

In this current era of and enhanced demand for online entertainment, I’ve been dabbling in lending a hand in visual matters, particularly hand-lettered titles. Here are a couple of peeks. First up, I created the illustrated introduction titles (and caricatures) for friends behind theatrical endeavors [title of show] and Now. Here. This. benefiting The Vineyard Theatre here in NYC. Direction and editing by Matt Vogel, voiceover by Michael Berresse. Theme song by the crazy cast.

I created the next video for the team at Birdland Jazz Club here in NYC as live venues are on hold in the midst of quarantine. On this one, I illustrated a version of the neon sign at the club and hand-lettered the titles, and I edited the videoed messages from Birdland regulars to create a cohesive, fun, uplifting shout out to Birdland audiences.